Author: Indrajeet Bhuyan

Hii ! My name is Indrajeet Bhuyan. I'm a security sngineer and a blogger. Here in this blog I help people get started with blogging and personal finance. Also I talk a lot about cryptocurrency.

AirPods 2 vs AirPods: What’s the Difference

If you’re looking for a reliable pair of wireless headphones, Apple AirPods could be the perfect product for you. They have several features that separate them from other wireless headphones …

Which Mac Devices Will Run the Latest OS?

  It’s that special time of year again. Apple is releasing new products and software, but just like 2020, everything is a little different than expected. Usually, we would be …

[BEST] Home theater system in India in 2021

The modern-day lifestyle is incomplete without proper entertainment. People are now investing big time in getting the best pieces of equipment to add to their overall experience when they see …