Simply put screen recording will allow you to record videos that consist of whatever may be on your screen. More often than not they are associated with video guides, tutorials, or demonstrations involving digital products – but there are a lot of other interesting ways in which they can be used as well.
If you want to explore the potential of screen recording, here are a few things that you should start with:
- ‘Download’ online streaming videos
Nowadays online streaming videos are practically everywhere from social media to websites, video sharing platform, and even video-on-demand services. Very few platforms provide a way for their videos to be ‘downloaded’ however, which means that you need to be online to watch them and can’t transfer the videos to other devices. By using screen recording, you can record any online streaming videos from your screen – then save it and do with it as you please.
- Save video calls
Between Skype, Facebook Messenger, Google Hangouts and other platforms, video calling has grown in popularity. Unfortunately most platforms don’t let you ‘save’ your calls – so you can’t refer to them or use their content once the call is done. If you record the call while it is on your screen however, you can save it – which can be extremely useful particularly if you conduct business meetings over video calls.
- Record live or temporary content
Two of the most popular new types of content to appear online are ‘live’ video streams as well as temporary content that vanishes after a fixed duration (normally 24 hours or less). Being able to record your screen will give you the means to record that content, so you don’t miss out and can save it to watch at any point.
If you would like to use screen recording in any of the ways listed above, you should try using Movavi Screen Recorder. Because it will let you record any videos that you want from your screen, allowing you to effectively ‘download’ online streaming videos, save video calls or record live or temporary content.
Although at first you might feel that learning how to download movies from Netflix or using Movavi Screen Recorder to perform any of the other tasks listed above is complicated, nothing could be further from the truth. Even if you’ve never used it or any other screen recorder in the past, you should be able to set up and start recording your movie in just a couple of minutes.
Not only should you be able to set it up Movavi Screen Recorder easily, but the fact of the matter is you can use its features to fully adjust the recording parameters – which will open up even more possibilities. In short you should definitely try it out and see for yourself how it can be used.