Cool Websites and Apps

You daily visit sites like google,Facebook,etc and apps like instagram because they make your work easy and fast.Infact few sites  like Google is so popular that some people think internet is equal to google .But there many other less known sites that are really very helpful because they make our work fast,easy and reliable.

Here at Hackatrick we will dig the whole internet and show you such sites that are worth visiting.

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Feedient – Feedient connects seamlessly with Twitter, Facebook, Instagram and your YouTube subscriptions. you dont need to refresh or click on an update button – it will automatically send you the new posts as they arrive. The universal notification center gathers all the notifications for your accounts in one single place.


HabitList– Habbitlist is an asewome site that  includes everything you need to reach your goals, wrapped in a beautiful and intuitive interface. It motivates you, helps you stay focused, and keeps you on track.

Fitsmeapp – Create flexible meal plans. To start, create a food personality profile to show your preferences. Using your profile, discover recipes for foods you like. As you discover recipes, you can “Forks Up” or “Forks Down” each one. Over time, it’ll learn about what you enjoy most.

These are just a few websites that we have discovered so far.If you too have such cool websites then do add it here.