In the last couple of weeks we have seen a lot of campaigns regarding net nutrality in india. Trai on March 27 had put up a consultation paper on its website asking users to give their views on net neutrality in India. The last day to vote for the campaign was April 24.
Many netizens protested against platforms violating net neutrality and wrote back to the Telecom Regulatory Authority of India in response to their consultation paper in favor of preserving it. Trai received an overwhelming response with more than 11 lakh emails. However, people who sent emails based on this campaign will now have to suffer at the hands of spammers, marketers and advertisers for a very long time to come.
The TRAI has made public all the email IDs who supported their move on A
PDF file on the TRAI’s website has openly displayed every email ID that responded to the net neutrality cause.
This list has been made public, exposing over a million email IDs for spammers to leech. So if your mailbox has been getting a higher number of spam emails recently, you could very well blame the TRAI.
Many people responded to this wrong move by TRAI.
So the guys supposed to protect us and Net Neutrality posted everyone’s email addresses online ? LOL.Of course we can trust them.
— Indrajeet Bhuyan (@Indrajeet_b) April 27, 2015
#TRAI has solution for all. Companies will get high tariffs , people will get net neutrality and spammers will get 1M emails.
— Akshay Bhatt (@ooyuzakshay) April 27, 2015
How can we trust an organization that doesn’t safeguard our privacy to safeguard Net Neutrality? #TRAI #NetNeutrality
— Balaji Sivaraman (@balajisivaraman) April 27, 2015
#TRAI talks about regulating security & privacy of OTT apps, when they don’t have clue on how to handle theirs. #NetNeutrality
— Harsha Vardhan (@harsha_g11) April 27, 2015
This is a wrong move by TRAI. They should have given a moment of thought before making all the email IDs public. If at all TRAI wanted to make the statements public, they just needed to obfuscate the email addresses (which most forums do), and problem would have been solved.