Some Different Video Editing Techniques to Experiment With

Video editing is essential to video production of any kind. Whether that be low-budget filmmaking, amateur-made animations, or short features, even the likes of online tutorial videos will contain various editing techniques applied to them.

However, there are so many amazing editing techniques out there to try that finding the right ones for your next video project can be overwhelming at first. So, let us discover 3 common editing techniques that can help your videos to stand out from the crowd.

Always Use Cuts to Your Advantage

Cuts are one of the simplest ways to connect the frames of your video together. If no forms of transition are required, then cuts can be used to create a straightforward flow. Additionally, if you are filming scenes that involve moving forward in time, jump cuts can create motion within your movie. An example of this would be shooting a dog starting to run to catch a ball, and then cutting to the point where the dog has caught the ball in its mouth.

Furthermore, cutaway shots can provide depth to your storytelling. Shifting focus from any characters or presenters to the scene creates context and allows for the introduction of foreshadowing. Elements of the weather such as leaves blowing in the wind, snowy clouds, or blue skies all have a different impact on the viewer so be sure to use these types of cuts to set the mood of your video.

Attention Grabbing Effects

If you really want to impress your audience, then using cool video effects is actually a lot more achievable than you might think. Motion graphics like the After Effects lightning Effect as well as the strobe light flicker effect are often used in modern music videos for example. Although there are multiple ways to add these types of effects to your movies, nowadays, there are plenty of easy-to-follow tutorials online that can help you to master them quickly.

Similarly, the glowing footsteps technique is also a fun effect that can add light-up footprints behind someone as they walk. Or, if you would prefer to combine multiple shots to make it appear as if the camera is continually zooming forward, then you could have a go at using the limitless zoom technique. Again, there are plenty of useful After Effects tutorials online that can talk you through the process of adding these effects to your films.


Cloning someone on screen is a lot easier than it sounds. Whether you want multiple copies of your presenter to engage in a conversation, or if you want to add a spooky effect to your film, cloning is an impressive way to wow your audience. The key to cloning is to have your framing set up identically for each take. As soon as you have repeated the scene several times, you should be able to create a convincing edited film showing your clones interacting.

Essentially, by overlaying two or more videos with identical backgrounds, you can experiment with getting your clones to interact in exciting ways. Just be sure to use a custom white balance setting on your camera, as without this, you might run into color issues if your clips do not match. Of course, you can always use a color correction tool in the edit but taking steps to prevent color mismatches now can save you time later on.

Ultimately, experimenting with different video editing techniques is a fantastic way to boost your filmmaking skills. Above all, the more time you spend time carefully filming and editing your videos, the better your films will become.

Which video editing techniques do you like best? Get in touch and share your filmmaking experiences.