Straight Through or X-over! Confused?
If you are studying for the CCNA or any other networking cert, or you just want to know when to use which cable, You’ll owe your life to this article!
A very very simple and easy way is just to have a look at this picture:
That’s it!
Like Devices = Crossover Cable
Router-PC = Crossover Cable
Configure = Rollover Cable = Console Cable
Others = Straight through Cable
Again, You might also want to know about the pin outs,
So here’s a very convenient way to see and remember:
Now you might have guessed about “Why Routers and PC use crossover cable?”
That’s because the use the same set of pins to transmit and receive, if router to PC connection used Straight through, then there will be lots of collisions.
PRO TIP: You really won’t see many networks with a PC connected to a router for some real bandwidth purpose with a X-over Cable, utmost you’ll see a laptop connected to a router with a rollover cable for router configuration.
If You have any question, please post it in the comments section