Author: Indrajeet Bhuyan

Hii ! My name is Indrajeet Bhuyan. I'm a security sngineer and a blogger. Here in this blog I help people get started with blogging and personal finance. Also I talk a lot about cryptocurrency.

Facebook Messenger for Windows

Facebook officially launced facebook chat for windows app today.They are promoting this new Windows app. They want us to keep using Facebook even when we are not using a browser. …

Facebook Chat codes Part 2

  This is the second part of Facebook Chat codes. read the first post of the series to know how to write in colorful text in Facebook chat here Facebook …

Facebook down in India

Today moring I tried to log in to my facebook account but every time it failed.iI thought it is due to my slow internet connection.I then i tried to log …

Facebook Chat codes part 1

                     Use Colourful Text in Facebook Chat Ever thought that  you can use color alphabets in facebook chat?Today I am going to tell you about a new facebook trick …